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Liam Young Planet City VR 2020 Role: Executive Producer, HTC VIVE Arts Liam Young is an Australian born film director and speculative architect who operates in the spaces between design, fiction and futures. His first virtual reality artwork, Planet City, created in partnership with HTC VIVE Arts, was presented at Tribeca Film Festival in 2022. Planet City is a VR experience set in an imagined metropolis designed to house 10 billion people. In this speculative future, the entire population of Earth converges in a single city, leaving the rest of the planet to be reclaimed by wilderness. In this dollhouse-style VR experience, the audience is immersed in the creation story of Planet City as the city gradually materializes around them. Within a 2 x 2 meter space, and in a standing position, visitors can peer around buildings, through windows, step between structures, gaze up at the towering cityscape above, and down into the depths below. The narrative, delivered by a young climate activist and one of the city’s first inhabitants, is a compelling tale of the future and a poignant exploration of the environmental challenges we face today.

Stills of Liam Young: Planet City VR courtesy of the artist, HTC VIVE Arts, and Well Played Studios
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